This is Microsoft CaptionBot. It’s a prototype tool (which ANYONE can visit, so go and give it a try) for labelling images. Apparently, CaptionBot can recognise any image and describe it “as well as any human”. It’s a truly astonishing piece of tech, and represents 1000s of hours of work by some of the smartest, […]

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Comics aren’t for the faint of heart. I don’t mean that they’re too violent or sexual or whatever else fires up moral crusader passions – I mean the very act of picking out a comic series to read can be incredibly confusing and stressful. Whether it’s superhero serials with decade-long backlogs or thousands upon thousands […]

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For years, developers have tried to make games that would touch gamers on an emotional level. Some emotions, like joy, fear, and anger, are fairly easy to elicit with the right combination of environments and characters. But you know you’ve told a good story when you can get a player so emotionally invested that they […]

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